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Togetherness with Lord Siva

It is well known that when one is going to Mount Kailas, one is visiting the abode of Lord Siva. The main aim is to locate your deity Siva, and you have a certain mental image of Lord Siva. One is well aware how He looks, what is His Mantra, what is His sitting posture etc. To be in ‘Tanmayata’ or togetherness with your deity, you have to get onto His wave-length or frequency. Our atmosphere is full of electromagnetic waves and to get onto your deity’s wave-length or frequency our receptors or receiving sets have to be in tune with Him to receive His signals. Higher wave-length or communication channels are always active and around us. So organize your receiver set (mind) and connect it to the source of cosmic energy.


Now look at your deity’s asana. If you adopt his sitting posture i.e. padamasana, then it is easier to get onto his wave-length or frequency. Once you have started meditating on padamasana, you will be attuning with his wave length.

The pilgrim’s path should be kind of ‘echo’ with your mantra recital. You have a mental image of Siva and by repeating mantra ‘Om Namah Shivay’ with deep feeling either verbally or mentally will purify the mind, heart and soul of the seeker by enabling him to gain access to subtle realm of consciousness. One could even connect with the Divine Siva consciousness which lies in the innermost recesses of one’s being. While on pilgrim’s path, worldly thought do not generally distract from God contemplation. If one surrenders oneself totally, this can also brings radiance, sanctity and holiness.

One of the precious gifts of realization or eternal time and space is that when one cannot physically go to Kailas-Manasarovar, one can return repeatedly to them in one’s memory.

Tanmayata kailash mansarovar