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The Secret

Kailas as Inner Image of Divinity

If a printed dictionary is consulted for the three-letter word GOD, it will not just give one meaning. Even three persons of different personas will have a number of self-contradictory definitions. Al though gods may be many but the world they govern is one. The truth about many-in-one and one-in­-many is not the product of any intellectual speculation, but conscious verification by countless sages, who had the potential to rise to that level.

GOD is within us. I live, yet not I, but God lives in me. The Bible says, ‘We are made in the image of God’. Indian scripture identified man as a miniature replica of God. ‘As the microcosm, so is the macrocosm’.

The spiritual masters believed that we have a spiritual core within us created by a higher power. They always propagate this principle and urge upon the people to connect with the divine within.

In Bhagavad Gita, the meaning of Meru has been interpreted beyond an actual mountain. It is where mortal and eternal meet and the omnipresent and intangible Divine take physical form, ‘meru sikharinimaham’ translates to ‘In mountains, I (Supreme Lord) am Meru (Kailas)’. It is a replica of Supreme.

It is also very clear in Shiv Samhita, (another Indian scripture) which explains Meru/Kailas as

Indian scripture

Explanation- Meru (Kailas) appears within man himself. In human body, Mount Meru (Kailas) is encircled by seven continents and he alone, who knows this, is to be a true yogi.

If we assess an archaic attempt made by Indian scriptures who have interpreted ‘Meru within man him self’, ‘Replica of Supreme’ then where does the imprints of the Mount Meru (Kailas) exist in the human body. It is either brain or heart. The Religious books also describe Meru – ‘A kingdom of mind’. The seat of Kailas as inner image of Divine or Eternal Truth can be in mind or brain which connects to the whole body and the brain functions like a control room. All our emotions and feelings also emanate from the mind itself. Mind can only make us aware of anything whether it is tiny insect or Super God. Heart is a physical organ which regulates blood circulation in the body.

Mount Meru

The existence of Kailas as inner image of Divine, The Innermost invisible truth or image of God can also be evaluated in the given picture by in-fluxing Kailas in the human brain.

Now, it is convenient to explain how the picture of Kailas as ‘Inner image of Divine Mountain’ or ‘the Innermost invisible truth’ is infused in the brain of human body the reality within the illusion. The existence of Kailas in human brain makes one believe that image of Divine or Invisible Truth exists in every human being, irrespective of religion, caste, creed etc. The Divine cannot be reduced into words. It only points that Divine is inseparable from the universe.

Atheists say God is N0WHERE, Unscientific and unphilosphical people never suspects the existence of God which is NOW HERE.

Saint Kabir says ‘The musk of musk-deer is in its navel, yet the deer searches it in the forests. The ignorant deer is not aware that the fragrance of musk is coming from its navel. Musk-deer is to lower its neck and that fragrance is right with him. Similar is the situation with the man… since God is within man, yet he searches everywhere except within. The great saints have advocated that human body is the seat of Divine.

To see Divine in human being is the only Divine vision. If every human establishes the exalting presence of god in the form of Divine Mountain in his mind then instead of hatred, jealousy, greed or revenge etc., he have fraternity feelings towards his fellow men across the world.

For Hindus, Mount Kailas is ‘Divine Siva’, Buddhist may call the it as ‘Golden Budha’ and Christians may visualize it as the ‘Jesus Christ within’. It is also that formless, immeasurable, invisible consciousness that controls thoughts and feelings. It guides man’s actions and reactions.

Sri Aurobindo’s attitude was that you guru, your master, your guide is always inside in the form of your intuition, which is our God whispering within.

‘God permeates the whole world, yet His truth is revealed to none. You better seek Him in yourself. You and He aren’t apart – You are one’       – Yunus Emre

Mount Kailas symbolises love

Mount Kailas symbolises love and compassion. It gives message of unity to human beings irrespective of their caste, creed and religion.